Hi all,
In this post I am trying to clarify my thoughts regarding the
Scenario dimension.
The scenario dimension in HFM holds the different data
sets reported by the group. Despite the fact that scenario dimension has usually
up to ten members, it is one of the most important dimensions of the
application. The reason is that the scenario dimension defines the input
frequency (month-to-date, quarter-to-date or year-to-date), the calculation sequence between Periodic
and YTD for the flow accounts, the process management, the data audit and the execution of the consolidation
From a functional perspective, the most common scenarios
that I have seen up to today are:
- Flash
- Actual
- Budget
- Forecast
- Translation scenarios of the previous data sets
1. Member or Label or Name:
The name or the label of the scenario. After version, the name must be unique and can contain up to 80 characters,
including spaces, but cannot start with a space.
including spaces, but cannot start with a space.
In the Oracle manual, it is specified that the scenario name
should not include the following characters:
- Asterisk ( * )
- At sign ( @ )
- Comma ( , )
- Curly brackets ( { } )
- Double quotation marks ( “ )
- Minus sign ( - )
- Number sign ( # )
- Period ( . )
- Plus sign ( + )
- Semicolon ( ; )
- Slash mark ( / )
Due to the fact that scenario can be used at the rule
file, I usually prefer to have short names which does not include spaces.
2. Description/Alias
The description or alias of the scenario is an setting
that it is used to describe the purpose of the specific scenario. The length of
the description is up to 80 characters and there are no limitations in
3. Default Frequency:
Default Frequency is used to define the input period of a
scenario. If the view dimension of the application has months (MTD), quarters
(QTD) and years (YTD), the user must select one of these members as an input
period of the scenario.
Consequently, this setting defines which members of the period dimension are loaded with data into a given year for the specified scenario. The most common
members are:
- MTD: monthly, data can be input on the 12 periods of the year
- QTD: quarterly, data can be input on Q1 to Q4 members only
- YTD: yearly, data can be input on the FY (Financial Year) member only
For example in an application, the users can input Flash
and Budget: monthly, Budget and Forecast: quarterly and Budget of future year:
- Flash/Actual: MTD
- Budget/Forecast: QTD
- BudgetPlus: YTD
4. Default View:
The default view setting is used to define the data view
(Year-to-Date or Periodic) to use when Scenario View is selected in the
point-of-view bar. There are only two options: YTD or Periodic.
Additionally, Default view is used to define the following:
- Sets the
in the view dimension to that default view. - Default view also determines the view in calculation rules written in HFM.
- Default view also determines the view for journal entry
Based on my experience, the most common selection is the
YTD and I believe that the reason is that the original business requirement is
to work with the YTD values and not the periodic. Consequently, in the above
- Flash/Actual: YTD
- Budget/Forecast: YTD
- BudgetPlus: YTD
5. ZeroViewForAdj / ZeroViewForNonadj:
These are the two most confusing settings in HFM I
believe (I guess due to lack of proper documentation until version 11.1.x.x).
The ZeroViewForNonadjs is used to define how the scenario
will handle the missing data of a flow account and the ZeroViewForAdj is used to define the scenario will
handle the missing values from flow accounts that are included in journals. In the following paragraph I call both settings as "ZeroView" settings. Flow account is any account with account type: Revenue, Expense or Flow. These types are usually used for the income statement accounts and the main characteristic is that the periodic view is different from the YTD view.
The ZeroView settings define the way that HFM will
interpret the missing values in a scenario. In order to understand the concept,
please remember that the view dimension has the periodic and the YTD value. So
a value of the P&L can be either periodic or YTD. The ZeroView settings are
used to define which of the two view dimension members will be zero if the data
are missing from the system when an account will be Revenue, Expense or Flow.
As an example, let’s assume that entity A has sales of £100
in P01 and sales of £200 in P02. This means that in P02, the periodic value of
the sales is £100 and the YTD value of sales is £200. Now, let’s think what
will happen on P03 before loading any data. In case that the ZeroViewForNonadj
is YTD, HFM will consider that in P03 the periodic value of the sales is £-200
and the YTD value of sales is £0. On the other hand, if the ZeroViewForNonadj
is periodic, HFM will consider that in P03 the periodic value of the sales is £0
and the YTD value of sales is £200.
To summarise:
- the settings define how HFM will interpret missing values
- the settings apply only to flow accounts (revenue, expense, and flow)
- the majority of HFM applications, Actual data is loaded YTD and for this reason the ZeroView settings are also YTD. Based on that the users can ignore any zeros when they load the data file. Additionally, HFM users do not have to post reversing journals in the next period since HFM will calculate the reverse entry automatically in the next period.
Following the previous example:
- Flash/Actual: YTD
- Budget/Forecast: YTD
- BudgetPlus: YTD
6. Consolidate YTD:
Similar to the ZeroView settings, the ConsolidateYTD
setting is used to define the sequence of the consolidation execution between
the periodic and the YTD values. This setting is also applied only in the
accounts that are flagged as Revenue, Expense or Flow.
When the ConsolidateYTD setting of the scenario is Yes,
HFM will first consolidate the YTD values of accounts at the parent entity and
then it will calculate the periodic values. On the other hand, when ConsolidateYTD
flat is No, HFM will first consolidate periodic values of accounts at the
parent entity and then it will calculate the YTD values.
My understanding ( I am not sure if this is
correct) is that the main reason of having such a setting is for the case when the application has
automatic consolidation rules and a new entity starts after the
beginning of the new year. If the application uses manual journals in order to
create the group values then this setting has no effect. Additionally, in order to enable
this setting, when ConsolidateYTD setting of the scenario dimension is N, the
ZeroView settings should be set to Periodic. As a result, the ConsolidateYTD
values is usually set to Y, in order to support the ZeroView setting and the
periodic consolidation values are created via rules or journals..
Following the previous example, the settings will be:
- Flash/Actual: Y
- Budget/Forecast: Y
- BudgetPlus: Y
7. SupportsProcessManagement:
This setting is used to define the whether process
management will be enabled for the specific scenario.
The options are:
- Y to enable the Process Management without email alerts
- N to disable the Process Management option
- A to enable Process Management and email alerts
So, following the previous example, the setting will be:
- Flash/Actual: Y
- Budget/Forecast: Y
- BudgetPlus: Y
8. SecurityClass:
The setting is used to define the security class of the
scenario. The security class will be used in shared services to allow the users
to have Read, Promote, Metadata or All access.
So, following the previous example, the setting will be:
- Flash/Actual: S_Actual
- Budget/Forecast: S_Budget
- BudgetPlus: S_Budget
9. MaximumReviewLevel:
This setting had been design to define the maximum review
level of an application but it was never actually added in the process
management mechanism (at least I am not aware of). Consequently, I usually ignore
10. Use Line Items
This setting is used to define whether the scenario will
use line-item detail. The options are Y if the scenario can accept line items
or N if the scenario cannot accept line items.
Due to the requirement to keep details on the different
miscellaneous accounts, the majority of the scenarios are enabled to accept
So, in the previous example, the setting will be:
So, in the previous example, the setting will be:
- Flash/Actual: Y
- Budget/Forecast: Y
- BudgetPlus: Y
11. EnableDataAudit
This setting is used to define whether the scenario will keep
track of the data changes for audit purposes.
The options are:
- Y to automatically audit all accounts
- O to audit only those accounts that have EnableDataAudit set to True.
- N to disable auditing for all accounts.
The data audit functionality is really useful for the
scenarios that will be audited in the end of the quarter or year; however
enabling the data audit may reduce the performance of the application. For this
reason only the most important scenarios are enabled.
So, in the previous example, the setting will be:
- Flash/Actual: Y
- Budget/Forecast: N
- BudgetPlus: N
12. DefFreqForICTrans:
This setting is used to define the
default frequency for intercompany transaction data. This is a frequency
from the view dimension.
So, in the previous example, the setting will be:
- Flash/Actual: YTD
- Budget/Forecast: YTD
- BudgetPlus: YTD
13. PhasedSubmissionStartYear:
This setting is used to define the starting year of
enabling the phased submission. However, I have not actually use it in the
That was a full description of what I have in my mind regarding the technical part of scenario dimension. Maybe in the future, I will add more details regarding the functional aspect of the scenario dimension.
Feel free to write any comments… (I know that some of you read my posts, so please say Hi…)
Enjoy life,
That was a full description of what I have in my mind regarding the technical part of scenario dimension. Maybe in the future, I will add more details regarding the functional aspect of the scenario dimension.
Feel free to write any comments… (I know that some of you read my posts, so please say Hi…)
Enjoy life,
Hi Thanos,
ReplyDeleteI read all your posts and I like them.
ReplyDeleteYou said this in ZeroViewForNonAdj:
On the other hand, if the ZeroViewForNonadj is periodic, HFM will consider that in P03 the periodic value of the sales is £0 and the YTD value of sales is £-200.
Is it £-200 or £200?
Hi, Thanos,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your knowledge.
Tom leung
Thank you "Anonymous 3 December 2013 13:16".
ReplyDeleteI apologies for this... I used copy-paste from the previous sentence and I did not check the values.
ReplyDeleteI have tagged actual scenario as ytd for Default frequency and default view. But I am getting invalid for all cells. When I changed default frequency to mtd I was getting validation cells. Not able to figure out why I am getting invalid cells with ytd. Please suggest.
Hi Sandy,
ReplyDeleteSo, you are selecting View as YTD and period [Year] and you are getting invalid cells?
Hi Thanos,
ReplyDeleteIt is very use full.
Thank you Hari.
hi this is very helpfull and iam new to this HFM could you let me know your comfortable time to communicate about my issue’s.
ReplyDeleteissue:I have created an alternate hierarchy for existing Entity in shared library,So A=AX+AY+AZ based on product’s[Product's are different for these 3 entities ]So here I could not see the same data for some periods at A entity when i add all these 3 entities so please let me know what could be the issue and here iam loading the data through FDM into HFM.
Could you help on this..
Can we create new scenario post application creation in HFM
ReplyDeleteAnd if yes what is the maximum number of Scenario we can create?