Thursday, 30 June 2016

... where Hyperion comes from?

I hope you do not expect that this is a serious post because it is not... however, it is a post that I am really proud of...

So, where Hyperion comes from?

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

...Calculation status: OK SC

     A few weeks ago, I was working on an application update. I started the update on Friday afternoon and thankfully everything went well. I loaded the new metadata and new rules without any problem, completed the "Clear Invalid data" task in 20minutes and then I started the overnight consolidation in order to reconsolidate the whole application and get the status OK in all scenarios/years/periods. I was home before 7pm

...using SmartView

Last week I was chatting with an ex-colleagues about our HFM experiences. After 10 years, we both have a lot of stories to share but a...