Thursday, 19 April 2018

...using SmartView

Last week I was chatting with an ex-colleagues about our HFM experiences. After 10 years, we both have a lot of stories to share but as always in life she told me something that I was never expecting to hear. In one of her roles, Smartview was not permitted all users!!!

Based on what she told me the policy did not allow users to use SmartView for office. They can open the browser and copy paste any values for their reports but they are not allowed to download the values directly to the excel file.

Initially, I was quite surprised. My experience says that accountants and financial analysts are proud for their Excel based reports and since SmartView is the only way to refresh an excel file, SmartView is crucial on the life of a user.  But then I thought that there must be a reason.

...using SmartView

Last week I was chatting with an ex-colleagues about our HFM experiences. After 10 years, we both have a lot of stories to share but a...